Exams FAQ
Scheduled Exam – Exams are accessed through Examplify. To start an exam, you must launch Examplify and begin the exam on a specified date within the two-hour start exam time frame indicated on the Final Exam Schedule on the Exams Page. After the scheduled exam begins, you must complete and submit the exam with the time limit noted on the schedule.
Schedule On Your Own Exam – Exams are accessed through the Examsoft Student Portal. These exams can be downloaded from the student at any point during the exam period and must be submitted within the assigned time frame. Please refer to the Final Exam Schedule on the Exams Page for details on the length of your schedule on your own exams.
Visit the Students Page on the Law School website for the most up-to-date details about the final exam. Please check the Students Page periodically for the latest information on your exams.
The Law Registrar’s Office administers all final exams listed on the Final Exam Schedule. Please contact them at lawexams@hawaii.edu if you have any questions.
Please note: Do NOT call the Law School phone number (808.956.7966) to try and contact us. We and other staff members are not physically in the office to pick up a phone call. Instead, please email us at lawexams@hawaii.edu. We will monitor and respond to emails during the exam period.
Please refer to the Exam Policies for Online, Remote Exams located on the Students Page for additional information about exam taking.
Make sure your laptop is fully charged before you begin the exam (in case the electricity goes out or you do not have access to a power source during the exam).
Optional: Check your display settings and if you make adjustments, be sure to take another practice exam to check your Examplify: https://support.examsoft.com/hc/en-us/articles/11145382351757-Examplify-Optimize-the-Display-Settings-on-Your-Device
Optional: Disable your anti-virus software temporarily to optimize Examplify.
Windows users: In the lower right hand corner, click the small up arrow/caret to show hidden icons, right click your antivirus program icon and select “disable shields” or “disable real-time protection” (or similar wording).
Mac OS X: Click your antivirus icon in the upper right hand corner of the menu bar, select “disable shields” or “disable real-time protection” (or similar wording).
Before the Exam
No, scheduled exams must be downloaded on the specific schedule date and within the two-hour window to start the exam.
You will see your scheduled exam in Examplify about 5 minutes before the start exam window. In addition, you will receive an email via lawexams@hawaii.edu approximately 5-10 minutes before the start exam window with exam reminders and the exam password.
To start your scheduled exam, launch Examplify. Establish an internet connection and download the exam. Enter the exam password and start the exam within the specified two-hour window. How to Start Your Scheduled Exam Video
During the Exam
View the exam attachment: To open an exam attachment, go to the upper right-hand corner of the Examplify page. Click on Exam Controls, then Exam Attachments. How to View Attachment Video
Change the font size and bold items: For essay questions, you can change the font size and bold items using the top toolbar of the essay answer box.
Cut/copy/paste in an essay: For essay questions, you can use the cut, copy, and paste text using the features using the top toolbar of the essay answer box. You can also use your keypad:
Cut: Ctrl + or Cmd + X
Copy: Ctrl + or Cmd + C
Paste: Ctrl + or Cmd + V
Spell check essay: For essay questions, to access spell check, right-click any word that has a red line underneath it. Examplify will suggest corrections for words. Click on the corrected word.
Word or character count: To check the word count, click the paper icon next to the character count above the toolbar of the essay question text box. To check the word count of a certain section, highlight the section first and then click on the paper icon. Word Count Video
Access the calculator: To access the calculator, go to the upper right-hand corner of the Examplify page. Click on Tool Kit, then Calculators.
Create an alarm: To create an alarm, go to the upper right-hand corner of the Examplify page. Click on Tool Kit, then Tools, and follow the prompts after you click on Add an Alarm.
Access files on laptop: For exams that are open book, you will have access to files saved on your laptop. For closed book exams, you will not have access to files on your laptop and therefore, cannot access Word, Adobe Acrobat, eBook apps, or any other programs during an exam.
CTRL + Z (PC) or Cmd +Z (Mac) to undo typing in the essay section.
Click on the carat (^) next to the question number (ex. Question 1) and the question text will be hidden. To return the text, click on the carat (^) again. How to Hide Your Question Video
To select my multiple choice answer, click on the text of the answer. You will notice that the answer will be outlined in blue/green, a checkmark will appear to the right of the answer, and your selected answer will be listed above the multiple choice options. In addition, on the left side bar, you will notice the exam question will be filled in. How to Select a Multiple Choice Answer Video
You may click the eye icon when you are deciding on the final answer for the multiple choice question. When you click on the eye icon, it will strike out the answer. Please note that if you strike out 3 out of the 4 answers, it will NOT record the remaining answer as your selection. You MUST actively choose the correct answer by clicking on the answer text, The selected answer will appear above the multiple choice options and the checkmark will appear to the right of the answer.
No, you should not type your answer in Word. Write your answer in the Examplify essay answer box. Examplify will save your answer during the exam. It saves the history of information that has been typed in the answer box approximately every minute and after you upload it. If you do copy/paste text into Examplify, you run the risk of your information not being saved properly upon upload.
You can view the question numbers on the left-hand side. Those filled in are answered; those that are unfilled have not yet been answered. If you attempt to submit your exam with unanswered questions, Examplify will notify you that you have blank multiple choice answers.
No, during a scheduled exam, whether it is an open or closed book exam, you will not have access to the internet.
For open book exams, you will be able to access any locally stored files on your computer. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to access cloud-based services synced to your computer such as Google Drive File Stream and Dropbox. In closed book exams, you will only use Examplify on your computer and cannot access files on your computer.
No, once a student submits an exam, there is no way to return to it. How to Submit Your Exam Video
Before you submit your exam answer (go to the upper right hand corner of Examplify, click Exam Controls, then Submit Exam), make sure that you want to submit the content you have produced in Examplify. Once you check the box that says “I confirm that I have completed my exam” and click “submit exam”, you will not be able to return to your exam and anything that you submit is final.
After the Exam
Click on Exam Options, Submit, follow the prompts to close Examplify, and then establish an internet connect to upload your exam answer.
After you close out of the test taking screen in Examplify, your computer may not immediately connect back to the internet. If you are having trouble submitting your exam, please be sure to check your internet connection.
To view your exam file uploaded successfully, launch Examplify and on the left sidebar, you will see a section titled “Completed” and you will see the date/time your exam was uploaded with a green checkmark.
You will receive a prompt before you start each exam for which you must acknowledge you understand and affirm the honor statement. By clicking Next, you signify that you understand the honor statement and agree to abide by it.
You will see a green screen on my laptop indicating that my exam was uploaded and there will be confirmation on my Examplify screen with the date/timestamp of when the exam was uploaded.
Examplify will provide immediate feedback on whether your scheduled exam was successfully submitted. If you receive a yellow screen, this means it has not successfully uploaded and you will be prompted to try again. You will see a green screen when the exam answer was successfully uploaded.
You will also notice that a “Completed” section will appear on the left sidebar of the Examplify window. In that section, the course, upload date/time, and green check mark will appear when the exam has successfully uploaded.
I log onto the Examsoft Student Portal. To access your schedule on your own exams, you must download them in the Examsoft Student Portal. Please refer to the instructions on the Students Page.
Please refer to the Final Exam Schedule located on the Students Page to view your exams, the last date/time you may download the exam, and the length of the exam.
Upload your exam answer to Examsoft Student Portal. If you experience any issues in uploading to the portal, please contact lawexams@hawaii.edu immediately and attach a copy of your exam answer to your email.
You must submit your completed Honor Statement. The Honor Statement will be available for you to download and complete at the same time as your schedule on your own exams. Be sure to download the PDF, complete all form fields, and upload the completed Honor Statement onto the Examsoft Student Portal. Please note that you only need to complete one Honor Statement regardless of the number of schedule on your own exams you have.
Only if you have a schedule on your own exams. If you have more than one schedule on your own exams, you only need to upload ONE Honor Statement to cover the exam period.
The Examsoft Student Portal will show the file name with the date/time stamp as confirmation the exam answer has been submitted and uploaded. You will NOT receive an email from Examsoft.
You will be able to see a date and time stamp to confirm your submission. Although you will not receive an email confirmation, you can always refer back to the Examsoft Student Portal to see when you have submitted a schedule on your own exam. If you encounter issues uploading your exam answer, email your exam answer to lawexams@hawaii.edu, explain the circumstances and include a screenshot so that we can help you upload your exam answer.