Professor of Law Emeritus
BS, University of Toledo
JD, University of Toledo
LLM, University of Michigan
Ron Brown is an emeritus law professor at the University of Hawai’i Law School and has served as the University’s Director of the Center for Chinese Studies from 2000-2006. His experience includes working as an attorney with the National Labor Relations Board, representing management and labor in labor relations matters, acting as private impartial arbitrator in labor-management disputes, and serving as state-appointed public fact-finder in Hawai’i public sector disputes.
Professor Brown’s teaching specialties include labor and employment law, employment discrimination law, arbitration, Chinese law, Asian International and Comparative Labor Law, and U.S.-China Labor & Employment Law. He has authored numerous articles and has recently published East Asian Labor and Employment Law: International and Comparative Context (Cambridge 2012), Understanding Labor & Employment Law in China (Cambridge 2010), and a book entitled Understanding Chinese Courts and Legal Process: Law with Chinese Characteristics.
Professor Brown has worked in China under the USIA’s professional-in-residence program, has served as a Consultant with the World Bank, and has lectured throughout Asia on comparative labor law topics. He has taught U.S.-China Comparative Labor Law at Beijing University Law School and currently serves as a foreign advisor to BEIDA on graduate law programs. He also serves as an Editorial Board Member on the Hague Institute for Global Justice, International Labor Rights Case Law Journal. He conducts legal exchange and international training programs for Chinese lawyers, judges, law drafters, and prosecutors under arrangements with the key government legal agencies. In 2004-2005, Professor Brown was in China as a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar, teaching U.S. and Chinese Labor & Employment law at both Peking University Law School and Tsinghua University Law School.
- International Labor Standards versus China’s Domestic Law Barriers, 8 International Labor Rights Case Law (Hague) 108 (2022)
- Chinese Path to Adopting International Labor Standards: Progress or Intransigency? 9 International Labor Rights Case Law (Hague) 292 (2023)
- Ride-Hailing Drivers as Autonomous Independent Contractors: Let Them Bargain!29 Washington International Law Journal 3 (2020) SSRN | Scholarspace
- China Moving BRI into Latin American Countries: Chinese FTAs and Labor Implications. 42 Houston J. Int’l L. 85 (2019-20) SSRN | ScholarSpace
- EU-China FTA: Enhanced Enforcement and Umbrella Coverage of Anticorruption, 43 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 211 (2020)
- EU-China BIT and FTA Enhance Labor Cooperation and Protection, 4 Bologna L. Rev. 366 (2020) Bologna Law Review | HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- China-EU BIT and FTA: Building a Bridge on the Silk Road Not Detoured by Labor Standard Provisions, 29 Washington International Law Journal 61 (2019) HeinOnline | SSRN| ScholarSpace
- Commentary: Indonesian Government Again Needs to Better Implement ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98, 5 International Labor Rights Case Law (ILRC, Hague) 282 (2019) BRILL | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Due Diligence – MNCs and Human Labor Chains – Remedies: Soft Law and Hard Law, published in 22 UCLA J. Int’l L & Foreign Affairs 119 (2018) HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Robots, New Technology, and Industry 4.0 in Changing Workplaces, published in 7 Amer. University Bus. Law Rev. 349 (2018) HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Paper presentation June 12, 2018 at a conference in Foshan China, the robot capitol of China, entitled, entitled Chinese Labour Law and the Digital Workplace, in a Conference in Foshan China, June 13-15, 2018. The Conference: Intelligent Manufacturing and Work 4.0 – Challenges and Perspectives in China, South East Asia and Germany was in cooperation with Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) School of Government, Volkswagen, Robotation Academy, and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES).
- Presented a paper entitled, Measuring Worker Performance Within the Limits of Employment Law in the Changing Workplace Environment of Industry 4.0, in Modena, Italy at the Marco Biagi Conference on March 20, 2018. SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Chinese Style Global Trade: New Leader in Asia: New Rules; No Labor Protections in its Free Trade Agreements, 35 UCLA Pac. Basin L. J. 1 (2018) HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Labor Implications of TPP: A Game Changer? ch. 18 at 423, Dieter Ernst and Michael Plummer, MEGA-REGIONALISM 2.0: Trade and Innovation within Global Networks (World Scientific 2018). East-West Center | SSRN
- Made in China 2025: Implications of Robotization and Digitalization on MNC Labor Supply Chains and Workers’ Labor Rights in China, 9 Tsinghua China L. Rev. 1 (2017) HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Up and Down the MNC Global Labor Supply Chain: Making Remedies that Work in China, 34 UCLA Pac. L. J. 103 (2017) HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Government’s Obligation to Address Obstacles to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights Reiterated in Korea Metal Workers’ Union and others v the Republic of Korea, 3 International Labor Rights Case Law 281 (2017) BRILL | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- U.S.-Russia-East Asia Comparisons of Dispatch (Temporary) Worker Regulations, 5 Russian L. J. 6 (2017); DOI:10.17589/2309-8678-2017-5-1-6-32 (link is external) (Ronald C. Brown and Olga Rymkevich) HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Commentary, Danish NCP Advances Due Diligence Obligations of OECD Guidelines in Rana Plaza Case, 3 International Labor Rights Case Law Journal 245 (2017) BRILL | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Developing ASEAN: Harmonizing Labor Standards for Global Integration. 33 UCLA Pac. Basin L. J. 27 (2016). HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Chinese “Workers without Benefits,” 15 Univ. Richmond J. Global Law & Business L. J. 21 (2016). HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- FTAs in Asia-Pacific: ‘Next Generation’ of Social Dimension Provisions on Labor? 26 Ind. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev.69 (2016) HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Promoting Labor Rights in the Global Economy: Could the United States’ New Model Trade and Investment Frameworks to Advance International Labor Standards in Bangladesh, 155 Int’l Labour Rev. (ILR) No. 3. 50 (2016). HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- Collective Bargaining in China: Guangdong Regulation a Harbinger of national Model? 4 China-EU Law J. 135 (2015) SSRN
- Prohibition of Forced and Child Labor: John Does v. Nestlé USA, Inc.; Archer Daniels Midland Company; Cargill Incorporated Company; Cargill Cocoa (Appeal from the US District Court of California). Corporate Immunity in the Aiding and Abetting of Child Slavery, 1 ILaRC 101 (Hague 2015).
- Measuring China’s Social Insurance Law Under International Standards of International Labour Organization and Influences of Social Dimension Provisions of Free Trade Agreements and Bilateral Investment Treaties” 45 Hong Kong Law Journal 651 (2015). HeinOnline | SSRN | ScholarSpace
- USA: Industrial relations profile, Eurofound, European Industrial Relations Observatory On-Line (2014) (eiroline) Eurofound
- Defusion of Labor Disputes in China: Collective Negotiations, Mediation, Arbitration, and the Courts, 3 China-EU Law J. 117 (2014) SSRN
- Comparative Alternative Dispute Resoultion for Individual Labor Disputes in Japan, China, and the United States: Lessons from Asia, 86 St. John’s L. Rev. 543 (2012). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- China’s Collective Contract Provisions: Can Collective Negotiations Embody Collective Bargaining, 16 Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. 35 (2006). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- China’s Employment Discrimination Laws During Economic Transition, 19 Colum. J. Asian L. 361 (2006). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- The Case for Limited Liability Partnerships, 34 Can. Bus. L. J. 57 (2001). HeinOnline
- The Hawaii Supreme Court under the Lum Court: Commentary on Selected Employment and Labor Law Decisions, 14 U. Haw. L. Rev. 423 (1992). HeinOnline
- East-West Labor Union Cooperation; Falling Walls and Opening Doors: Communism, Cold War Era Barriers, and the Immigration Act of 1990, 7 Am. U. J. Int’l L. & Pol’y 1 (1991). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- The Faces of Japanese Labor Relations in Japan and the U.S. and the Emerging Legal Issues under U.S. Labor Laws, 15 Syracuse J. Int’l L. & Com. 231 (1989). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Labor Law Issues Facing Multinational and Japanese Companies Operating in the United States and United States Companies Using Japanese-Style Labor Relations: Agenda Items under the New Labor Relations, 8 U. Haw. L. Rev. 261 (1986). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Federal Regulation of Collective Barganing by State and Local Employees: Constitutional Alternatives, 29 S. C. L. Rev. 343 (1978). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Tenure Rights in Contractual and Constitutional Context, 6 J.L. & Educ. 279 (1977). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Constitutional Basis and Implications of Federal Collective Barganing Legislation for State and Local Employees, 1 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 125 (1976) HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Federal Legislation for Public Sector Collective Barganing: A Minimum Standards Approach, 5 U. Tol. L. Rev. 681 (1974). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- School FInancing in Legal and Nonlegal Perspective, 15 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 739 (1974). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Public Sector Collective Bargaining: Perspective and Legislative Opportunities, 15 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 57 (1973). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Consitutional Law: Double Jeopardy-New Approach to the “Manifest Necessity Rule”, 8 Wake Forest L. Rev. 453 (1972). HeinOnline
- Busing as a Permissible Tool in Desegrefation, 1 Black L.J. 222 (1971). HeinOnline
- Professors and Unions: The Faculty Senate: An Effective Alternative to Collective Barganing in Higher Education, 12 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 252 (1970). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- Constitutional Law–Right to Counsel for Indigent Charged Misdemeanor, 4 Wake Forest Intramural L. Rev. 360 (1968). HeinOnline
- Labor Law – Union Discipline – Members Who Violate Union-By-Laws by Crossing Lawful Picket Lines are Subject to Court-Enforced Fines. N.L.R.B. v. Allie-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 1 Student L.J. 170 (1967). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
- East Asian Labor and Employment Law (Cambridge 2012)
- Understanding Labor & Employment in China (Cambridge 2010); [“best seller” in category and reprinted in paperback 2012]
- Understanding Chinese Courts and Legal Process: Law with Chinese Characteristics (Kluwer 1997)
Book Chapters
- China – U.S. Implementation of ILO Standards by BITs and Pieces (FTAs), ch.6, Fundamental Labour Rights in China – Legal Implementation and Cultural Logic, (eds. Liukkunen, Ulla, Chen, Yifeng (Eds.) (Springer 2016)
- FTAs that Also Protect Workers: Expanding the Reach of Social Dimension Provisions on Labor to Promote, Compel, and Implement ILO Core Labor Standards; Part II at 109, in Proceedings Employment Relations and Transformation of the Enterprise in the Global Economy (eds. Edoardo Ales, Francesco Basenghi, William Bromwich, and Iacopo Senatori), Giappichelli-MBF book series (2016).
- Asian and U.S. Perspectives on Labor Rights under International Trade Agreements Compared, ch. 5, Global Governance of Labour Rights, (eds. Axel Marx, Jan Wouters, Glenn Rayp and Laura Beke), (Elgar 2015)
- An Employee By Any Other Name? M. Faioli (a cura di) “ATTIVITÀ TRANSNAZIONALI, SAPERE GIURIDICO E SCIENZA DELLA TRADUZIONE” ch. 10 at 107-122, Collana QLS – Quaderni Levi Sandri; Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma, 2010 (ISBN 978-88-6134-455-6)
- Labor & Dispute Resolution in the U.S. in “PERSPECTIVES ON AMERICAN LAW, Shive, Guttman, and Nagle (eds.), published by Peking University Press (2012)
- Collective Bargaining in China, in Collective Bargaining: Global Perspective, ed., P.L. Jayanthi Reddy (Chapter 7, Amicus Books, 2008)
- Harmonizing Domestic Labor Law Reforms With Global Labor Law Standards, Chapter 7 in International Economic Law and China in Economic Transition, Published by William S. Hein & Co. (2006)
- Employment and Labor Law Considerations in International Human Resource Management in Asia, ch. 5, in Global Perspectives on Human Resource Management, (Shenkar, ed. MacMillan (1995))
- Legal Environment in Doing Business in the People’s Republic of China, ch. 7 in Doing Business in China, (Shenkar & Kelley, ed., Routledge, 1993)
Awards and Professional Activities
- Elected Board of Directors European-China Law Society 2017
- Appointed Fellow at New York University Law School 2012
- Appointed Senior Fellow University of Melbourne Law School 2014
- Appointed Foreign Advisor, 1998 to present, Peking University Research Institute of Labor Law and Social Security
- Appointed Editorial Board Member, International Labor Rights Case Law (ILaRC), The Hague Institute for Global Justice 2015
- Appointed Professional Correspondent, “International Labor Rights Case-Law (ILaRC),” from the Social Justice Expertise Center established by The Hague Institute for Global Justice and Leiden University 2014
- Appointed Editorial Board, The Indonesian Journal of International & Comparative Law
- Elected Executive Board Member, International Society for Labor and Social Security (2005-2014).
Course # | Class Title | Semester | Year |
530 | Spring | 2022 | |
530 | Spring | 2021 | |
530 | Spring | 2020 | |
530 | Spring | 2019 | |
530 | Spring | 2018 | |
530 | Spring | 2017 | |
530 | Spring | 2015 | |
530 | Spring | 2014 | |
530 | Spring | 2012 | |
530 | Spring | 2010 |