Assistant Professor of Law
SJD, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
LLM, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
JD, Rutgers Law School
Randle DeFalco joined the William S. Richardson School of Law in January, 2021. He teaches criminal law, international criminal law, and legal writing courses.
Professor DeFalco’s research focuses on international criminal law, especially how this body of law addresses harms brought about through unfamiliar causal processes, especially those that are slow or attritive in nature. He has also written on how aesthetic biases shape what forms of mass violence are and are not socially and legally conceptualized as international crimes. Randle’s recent scholarship has appeared or is forthcoming in the Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, International Criminal Law Review, London Review of International Law, Fordham International Law Journal, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, and Temple International and Comparative Law Journal.
After graduating from Rutgers Law School, where he received the Eli Jarmel Memorial Prize in public interest law, Randle researched potential criminal accountability for famine in Khmer Rouge era Cambodia as a Fulbright Fellow and Legal Advisor to the Documentation Center of Cambodia. He then completed his LLM degree at the University of Toronto, where he was a Strauss International Law Scholar and Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholar. After completing his LLM, Randle worked for the public prosecution service of Canada as part of the Canadian legal licensing process. He then returned to the University of Toronto to pursue an SJD degree as a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar, where he receive the Faculty of Law’s 2017 Alan Marks Medal for most outstanding graduate thesis.
After completing his doctoral degree, Professor DeFalco was a Banting Fellow at the University of Liverpool Law School in the UK, Rutgers Law School Law Associates Fellow, and a Fellow at Just Security, an online forum for the analysis of national security law and policy based at New York University School of Law.
- Randle C. DeFalco, Invisible Atrocities The Aesthetic Biases of International Criminal Justice (2022, Cambridge University Press). Book website.
- Randle C. DeFalco & Savina Sirik, The Fluctuating Visibility of Everyday Violence in Khmer Rouge Era Cambodia, 31 South. Ca. Interdisciplinary L.J. 217 (2022). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, Time and the Visibility of Slow Atrocity Violence, 21 Int’l Crim. L. Rev. 905 (2021). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, (Re)Conceptualizing Mass Atrocities as Complex Public Health Catastrophes, in Public Health, Mental Health and Mass Atrocity Prevention 17 (Jocelyn Getgen-Kestenbaum et al. eds., 2021). Book website.
- Randle C. DeFalco, A Coherentist Approach to Incoherent Law? Some Thoughts on Darryl Robinson’s Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases, 35 Temple Int’l & Comp. L.J. 45 (2021). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco & Frédéric Mégret, The Invisibility of Race at the International Criminal Court: Lessons from the US Criminal Justice System, 7 London Rev. Int’l L. 55 (2019). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, The Uncertain Relationship between International Criminal Law Accountability and the Rule of Law in Post-Atrocity States: Lessons from Cambodia, 42 Fordham Int’l L.J. 1 (2018). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, Conceptualizing Famine as a Subject of International Criminal Justice: Towards a Modality-Based Approach, 38 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 1113 (2017). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, Cases 003 and 004 at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal: The Definition of ‘Most Responsible’ Individuals According to International Criminal Law, 8 Genocide Stud. & Prevention 45 (2014). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, Justice and Starvation in Cambodia: The Khmer Rouge Famine, 3 Cambodia L. & Pol’y J. 45 (2014). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, Contextualizing Actus Reus under Article 25(3)(d) of the ICC Statute: Thresholds of Contribution, 11 J. Int’l Crim. Just. 715 (2013). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, Accounting for Famine at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: The Crimes against Humanity of Extermination, Inhumane Acts and Persecution, 5 Int’l J. Transitional Just. 142 (2011). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco & Jared L. Watkins, Joint Criminal Enterprise and the Jurisdiction of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, 63 Rutgers L. Rev. 193 (2010). SSRN.
- Randle C. DeFalco, The Right to Food in Gaza: Israel’s Obligations under International Law, 35 Rutgers L. Rec. 11 (2009). SSRN.
Other Writing (Select List)
- Randle DeFalco, Opportunism, COVID-19, and Cambodia’s State of Emergency Law, Aug. 3, 2020, Just Security.
- Haley S. Anderson and Randle DeFalco, Pompeo’s Personal Stake in the International Criminal Court’s Afghan Investigation, June 3, 2020, Just Security.
- Randle DeFalco, Is Pompeo Unintentionally Helping Out the International Criminal Court? Mar. 25, 2020), Just Security.
- Randle DeFalco, Int’l Criminal Court’s Afghanistan Decision Expands Prosecutor’s Power: What to Expect Next, Mar. 6, 2020, Just Security.
- Randle DeFalco, Senators Call for Prosecution of Gambian Paramilitary Fighter in US Custody, Feb. 21, 2020, Just Security.
- Randle DeFalco, U.S. Issues Travel Ban on Sri Lankan Military Leader: How It Implicates the Country’s President Too, Feb. 20, 2020, Just Security.
- Randle DeFalco, Sudan Announces Intention to Have al-Bashir and Others “Appear” Before the ICC, Feb. 13, 2020, Just Security.
Course # | Class Title | Semester | Year |
530 | Spring | 2023 | |
530 | Spring | 2021 | |
530 | Spring | 2022 | |
504 | Fall | 2022 | |
541 | Fall | 2022 | |
513 | Spring | 2023 | |
513 | Spring | 2021 | |
513 | Fall | 2021 | |
520D | Fall | 2021 |