Faculty & Staff



Interim Director of Bar Success and Visiting Assistant Professor of Law


JD, University of Texas School of Law

BS, Texas A&M University


Mike Sims is a 30+-year veteran in legal education. As the former president of BARBRI, Mike worked closely with law school administrators, faculty, and students to improve law school and bar exam results. His formidable grasp of the state-specific and national components of the nation’s bar exams and knowledge of the legal education landscape have established him as a go-to expert for those seeking insights into legal education trends and challenges.

Mike’s work life hasn’t always been focused on the law. His jobs in high school and college ranged from working as a butcher, a farmer, and disc jockey at three different radio stations before earning his bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Education from Texas A&M University and a law degree from The University of Texas School of Law. He then did brief stints in national and Texas government, serving as special assistant to U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen and, later, as chief clerk for the State Affairs Committee of the Texas House of Representatives.

portrait photo


(808) 956-6031




Course #Class TitleSemesterYear