Faculty & Staff




Professor of Law
Carlsmith Ball Faculty Scholar (2012-2014)


AB, Stanford University, 1975
JD, New York University School of Law, 1978


Linda Hamilton Krieger grew up in Hawai’i and returned home in 2007, joining the Richardson faculty as a Professor of Law and as Director of the Ulu Lehua Scholars Program, the latter position in which she served until 2017.  Before joining the Richardson faculty, Professor Krieger was a Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, from which she is now retired. Over the years, she has served as a visiting professor at the Stanford Law School, the Harvard Law School, and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.

Between graduating from law school in 1978 and entering law teaching full time in 1992, Professor Krieger practiced as a civil rights lawyer in San Francisco, representing plaintiffs in race, sex, national origin, and disability discrimination class actions and individual cases at the trial and appellate levels, and drafting state and federal legislation in the areas of civil rights, evidence, and civil procedure.  Many of her cases established important precedents in the areas of pregnancy discrimination, sexual harassment, the rights of workers subject to mass layoffs, and the health insurance-related rights of people with AIDS.

Professor Krieger’s legal scholarship explores how insights from the empirical social sciences can be used to inform civil rights law and policy, judicial decision making, and the lawyer-client relationship.  Significant publications include: Problem Solving, Decision Making & Professional Judgment: A Guide for Lawyers and Policy Makers (with P. Brest, Oxford U. Press); When Organizations Rule: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Structures (with L. Edelman et. al., Am. J. of Sociology); The Content of Our Categories: A Cognitive Bias Approach to Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity (Stanford L. Rev.); and Backlash Against the ADA: Reinterpreting Disability Rights (U. of Mich. Press).

Professor Krieger’s teaching areas include civil procedure, legislation and statutory interpretation, professional responsibility, and civil rights law and policy.


  • Linda Hamilton Krieger, Message in a Bottle, 39 Berkeley J. of Employment & Labor Law 53 (2018). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Linda Hamilton Krieger, Lauren B. Edelman, and Rachel Kahn Best, When ‘Best Practices’ Win, Employee’s Lose: Symbolic Compliance and Judicial Inference in Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Cases40 Law & Social Inquiry 207 (2015). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • The Policy Implications of Unexamined Discrimination: Gender Bias as a Case Study (with Susan T. Fiske), in Eldar Shafir, Ed., Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy (Princeton University Press, 2012). 
  • When Organizations Rule: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Structures (with Lauren Edelman et. al.), 117 American Journal of Sociology 888-953 (2011) American Bar Foundation
  • Multiple Disadvantages: An Empirical Test of Intersectionality Theory in EEO Litigation45 Law and Society Review 991-1025 (2011) (with Rachel Kahn Best & Lauren B. Edelman). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Problem Solving, Decision Making, & Professional Judgment: A Guide for Lawyers & Policy Makers  (with Paul Brest), Oxford University Press 2010. 
  • Monograph, Un problème de categories:  Stéréotypes et lutte contre les discriminations.  Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Paris: France 2008). 
  • Book Chapter, Linda Hamilton Krieger, The Watched Variable Improves: On Eliminating Sex Discrimination in Employment, in Faye Crosby & Margaret Stockdale, Sex Discrimination in Employment (Blackwell Publishing, 2007) 
  • Book Chapter, Linda Hamilton Krieger, Behavioral Realism in Law: Reframing the Discussion about Social Science’s Place in Antidiscrimination Law and Policyin Eugene Borgida & Susan T. Fiske, Eds., Psychological Science in the Courtroom: Beyond Common Knowledge (Blackwell Publishing, 2007). 
  • Behavioral Realism in Employment Discrimination Law: Implicit Bias and Disparate Treatment94 Cal. L. Rev. 997 (2006)(with Susan T. Fiske). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Implicit Bias: Scientific Foundations, 94 Cal. L. Rev. 945 (2006)(with Anthony T. Greenwald). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • The Intuitive Psychologist Behind the Bench: Models of Discrimination in Social Psychology and Employment Discrimination Law, 60 Journal of Social Issues  835 (2004). Researchgate
  • Review Essay, Complicity & Resistance in Oran:  The Plague, by Albert Camus (for California Law Review’s “Influential Books” Series) 92 Cal. L. Rev.  1241 (2004). Researchgate
  • Backlash Against the ADA: Reinterpreting Disability Rights (University of Michigan Press, 2003). HeinOnline
  • Book Chapter: Introduction:  Backlash Against the ADAin Linda Hamilton Krieger, Ed., Backlash Against the ADA: Reinterpreting Disability Rights (University of Michigan Press, 2003). HeinOnline
  • Book Chapter: Socio-Legal Backlashin Linda Hamilton Krieger, Ed., Backlash  Against the ADA: Reinterpreting Disability Rights (University of Michigan Press, 2003). HeinOnline
  • Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment: Normative, Descriptive, and Doctrinal Interactions, 24 U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev. 164 (2001). HeinOnlineScholarSpace
  • Whose Motive Matters?  Discrimination in Multi-Actor Employment Decision Making, 61 La. L. Rev. 695 (2001)(with Rebecca Haner White). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Foreword:  Backlash Against the Americans with Disabilities Act: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Implications for Social Justice Strategies, 21 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 1 (2000) HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Afterword: Socio-Legal Backlash, 21 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 476 (2000). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Lawyers as Problem Solvers, 72 Temple Law Review 811 (1999)(with Paul Brest).  HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • The Burdens of Equality: Burdens of Proof and Presumptions in American and Indian Civil Rights Law, 47 American Journal of Comparative Law 89 (1999) HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Civil Rights Perestroika: Intergroup Relations After Affirmative Action, 86 Cal. L. Rev. 1251 (1998). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • The Content of Our Categories:  A Cognitive Bias Approach to Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity, 47 Stan. L. Rev. 1161 (1995). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Symposium on the Twenty-First Century Lawyer:  On Teaching Professional Judgment, 69 Wash. L. Rev. 527 (1994)(with Paul Brest). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace
  • Evidentiary Issues in Sexual Harassment Litigation, 1 Berkeley Women’s Law Journal 115 (1985)(with Cyndi Fox). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace 
  • The Miller-Wohl Controversy: Equal Treatment, Positive Action, and the Meaning of Women’s Equality, Women’s Law  Forum: 13 Golden Gate Univ. L. Rev. 513 (1983)(with Patricia Cooney), reprinted in D. Kelly Weisberg, Feminist Legal Theory:  Foundations (Temple University Press, 1993). HeinOnline | ScholarSpace


  • Carlsmith Ball Faculty Scholar, University of Hawai’i, Mānoa, 2012
  • Article Prize, Law and Society Association, March 2016 for Linda Hamilton Krieger, et. al., When ‘Best Practices’ Win, Employees Lose: Symbolic Compliance and Judicial Inference in Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Cases, 40 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 207 (2015).
  • Article Prize, Law and Society Association, June 2011, for Lauren B. Edelman, Linda Hamilton Krieger, et. al., Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Structures,  117 American Journal of Sociology 888-953 (2011).
  • Article Prize, American Sociological Association, Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work, November 2012, for Lauren B. Edelman, Linda Hamilton Krieger, et. al., Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Structures,  117 American Journal of Sociology 888-953 (2011).
  • French American Foundation Fellowship, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris, France (Summer 2008).
  • Research Fellowship, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University (2004-2005).
  • Principal Investigator (with Lauren Edelman) National Science Foundation Grant, Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices in Equal Employment Opportunity Litigation, 1965-1999 (2003-Present).
  • The Rutter Award for Distinction in Teaching, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt Hall), April 2000.
  • Charles Munger Research Fellowship, (1999-2000).
  • John M. Hurlbut Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford Law School, June 1995.
  • Research Fellowship, Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation (1995-1996).
  • Phi Beta Kappa
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By Appointment

