Native Hawaiian Rights Clinic
Law School Description
This course provides students with a direct experience of working on cases in the context of Native Hawaiian rights and issues. Each semester, the clinic focuses on one or two major cases involving issues such as traditional and customary rights, the public lands trust, the Hawaiian Home Lands trust, and water rights. Students will aid attorneys in identifying and researching significant issues, gathering evidence, interviewing clients, and drafting pleadings.
Uh Mānoa Catalog Description
(B) prosecution clinic; (C) defense clinic; (D) elder law clinic; (E) environmental law clinic; (G) estate planning workshop; (I) native Hawaiian rights clinic; (J) family law clinic; (K) entrepreneurship and small business clinic; (M) mediation clinic; (N) lawyering skills workshop; (P) mediation workshop; (Q) immigration clinic; (R) child welfare clinic; (S) Hawai'i Innocence Project I; (T) Hawai'i Innocence Project II; (U) legislation and statutory interpretation. Repeatable one time for (K). LAW majors only for (R), (S), (T) and (U). CR/NC and letter grade option for (J); CR/NC only for (N), (P), and (Q). Pre: 543 for (B) and (C); 521 or consent for (D); 529 or 561 or LWEV 582 for (E); 552 and 567, or consent for (G); 568 or consent for (J); 548 for (Q). (Once a year for (K)) (Alt. years for (U))