Exam Type: Limited Open-Book Final Exam
Exam Room: LAW CR 3 (Capacity 85)
Date: December 17, 2014
Start Time: 6:30 pm
End Time: 8:30 pm
Pickup Before Date: July 26, 2023
Pickup Before Time: 8:31 pm
Additional Info: 10 minute mandatory reading period, where students may prepare a preliminary outline, followed by 50 minutes to write or type the answer to each question.
Students may bring into the room (1) a copy of the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (without any writing in it but highlighting with a yellow marker or underlining is permitted. Also tabs for Document Supplement are allowed with writing indicating the number and/or the section tabbed allowed, but no other writing allowed on the tab and (2) a single sheet of paper, containing writing on only one side of the paper, maintaining one-inch margins on the top and bottom and on the left and right sides of the page, and utilizing type or writing no smaller than 12-point type.