Exam Type: Limited Open-Book Final Exam
Exam Room: LAW CR 2 (Capacity 121)
Date: May 12, 2016
Start Time: 6:00 pm
End Time: 9:00 pm
Pickup Before Date: July 26, 2023
Pickup Before Time: 8:32 pm
Additional Info: Students may bring into the Examination three 8.5 x 11" pieces of paper, on which they can write by hand or print by computer any notes, checklists, or mind maps they wish on the three topics to be examined (Claim and Issue Preclusion, the Erie Doctrine, and Personal Jurisdiction). Both sides of the paper may be used.
While students are free to work individually or in study groups to distill class content into outline, mindmap, or checklist form, each student must have produced solely by him or her self the notes on the three sheets of paper brought into the Examination Room.