Visiting Scholars Program
Each year, Richardson hosts a small group of non-compensated Visiting Scholars from around the world. Working with a Faculty Sponsor, our Visiting Scholars pursue collaborative research which leads to increased cross-cultural interactions and understanding. Our Visiting Scholars are integrated into our Law School and faculty, participating in seminars, lectures, and other events.
Visiting Scholars are issued a UH ID card and given access to the Law Library and other libraries on campus. Wireless internet access is available throughout the University, including the Law School, and computer access and work spaces (individual and group) are available in the libraries. In addition, Visiting Scholars can use a shared office space through International Programs and may request a locker at the Law School.
Faculty & Scholar Immigration Services (FSIS)
English Language Resources
- Legal Oral Communication course
- Center for Academic Spoken English (CASE): provides free oral communication support for members of the UH Mānoa community who speak English as an additional language
- The Writing Center at Mānoa: is a collaborative environment which offers writing consultations free of charge to anyone affiliated with UH – undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars
WSRSL 360 Walkthrough Virtual Tour
UH Campus Map
Food and Dining
Bike and Biki (bike share) Information
Mental Health & Wellness Resources
Eligibility and application
Visiting Scholars will ordinarily be law professors and scholars from law schools, research institutes or other academic institutions; we do not accept graduate or research students as Visiting Scholars. Special consideration will be given to visitors who can make a contribution to our Law School community through their research and other activities, or who will work with colleagues here. Prospective Visiting Scholars will be expected to arrange a Faculty Sponsor from the Law School before being accepted. Faculty Sponsors must be full-time faculty members with a shared area of research interest who are available to work with the Visiting Scholar for the duration on the visit. In some cases, we may be able to assist matching qualified applicants with a Faculty Sponsor.
See our Law School Directory for a list of faculty.
For Visiting Scholars who require a Visa, the Law School will work in cooperation with Faculty Scholar Immigration Services (FSIS) to assist with the paperwork. Applications must be received far enough in advance to prepare and process the necessary paperwork. Required approvals and signed documentation must be submitted to FSIS no later than three months before the proposed arrival date. Preparation of documents beforehand could also take several months. If there is not sufficient time to process paperwork before the start date, it may be necessary to adjust the visit schedule. For Visa purposes, Visiting Scholars must be able to show that they can meet the minimum support requirements for themselves and their J-2 dependents.
To apply, complete our online Visiting Scholar Application.
Contact Graduate & International Programs for more information.
2024-2025 Visiting Scholars

Fumiaki Kobayashi
Academic interests: philosophy of law, law and literature, aw and science, gender and law
Visit: 6/23-3/25
From: Meiji University, Japan

David Wright
Academic interests: natural resources and environmental law with a particular emphasis on climate change, impact assessment, and the rights of Indigenous peoples
Visit: 9/24-12/24
From: University of Calgary, Canada