PALS Faculty Online Talks
- May 2021: Human Rights and Democratic Regression in Asia []
- November 2018: Annual Paul Chung Memorial Lecture []
- September 2017: SBS News Briefing (in Korean) []
- April 2017: Doosan Art Center Talk (in Korean) []
- July 2015: KBFD Interview (in Korean) []
- May 2014: The Jon Van Dyke Memorial Conference at the UH Law School
- May 2021: Human Rights and Democratic Regression in Asia []
- November 2018: Annual Paul Chung Memorial Lecture []
- September 2017: SBS News Briefing (in Korean) []
- April 2017: Doosan Art Center Talk (in Korean) []
- July 2015: KBFD Interview (in Korean) []
- May 2014: The Jon Van Dyke Memorial Conference at the UH Law School
- June 2020: Presentation for the Hawaii Pacific Export Council on using cross-border contracts for exporters []
- November 2019: China’s Social Credit System (Law Across The Sea) []
- April 2019: 2019 HPEC’s Contracts for Exporters []
- November 2018: Hawaii’s Role in Judicial Training Across the Pacific (Law Across The Sea) []
- March 2017: Abducted Activists: China, Civil Rights and Legal Representation with Dr. Teng Biao []
- February 2017: China Briefing with Dr. Lawrence Foster and Brenda Lei Foster []
- March 2016: Investment Trends in China []
- April 2015: Small Firms Doing Business in China []
- January 2021: Interview with a Professor Series []
- October 2020: Situating Gender & Law in Japanese Legal Education: Preliminary exploration & comments [].
- October 2018: Global Monday Lecture at the University of Washington []
- December 2017: Japan’s Judicial System – What’s the Verdict? (Law Across The Sea) []
- March 2017: Japan’s Constitution in the 21st Century []
October 2021: On October 13, 2021, Carole Petersen published “Hong Kong’s First Conviction for Incitement to Secession: What Role for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)?” in Volume 25, Issue 12 of ASIL Insights, the online publication of the American Society of International Law.
September 2021: On Wednesday, September 20, at 2:00 p.m. (Hawaii time), Carole Petersen will present “Human Rights and Sanctions: Lessons from Hong Kong.” The event is sponsored by the US-Asia Law Institute at NYU Law School. It is open to all and will be recorded.
June 2021: On June 30, Carole Petersen presented “Academic Freedom in the Shadow of the National Security Law” at the conference Hong Kong Under China’s National Security Law, which was organized by the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong. View Carole’s presentation [] beginning at 51 minutes into Panel 4. The presentation summarizes a book chapter, co-authored by Carole and Kelley Loper, which will be published by Hong Kong University Press later this year.
May 2021: Carole Petersen published “Wounded But Not Dead: Partial Academic Freedom Survives in Hong Kong and We Should Support It”, Volume 1(21) of USALI Perspectives, an online series hosted by the U.S.-Asia Law Institute at New York University.
April 2021: Carole Petersen was interviewed for a program entitled “Bar Association Controversy” which analyzes recent tensions between officials from Mainland China and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, as well as the potential implications for Hong Kong’s independent legal profession. A recording of the program is available. The interview with Professor Petersen begins at approximately 13 minutes into the show
January 2021: Carole Petersen was interviewed for a radio program entitled “The Mass Raid” which analyzed the recent arrests of 53 individuals who participated in organizing a political primary in the summer of 2020. A recording of the interview is available.
December 2020: Carole Petersen was interviewed by Hong Kong’s public television station on the impact of the new national security law on academic freedom in Hong Kong. The episode can be viewed at the Hong Kong’s public television station website.
November 2020: Carole Petersen published “A Primer on Hong Kong’s National Security Law” as part of USALI Perspectives, an online series hosted by the U.S.-Asia Law Institute at New York University. View Carole’s essay online. Carole recently joined the editorial board for USALI Perspectives and will edit a series of essays on the Hong Kong legal system in the coming year.
September 2020:
- Carole Petersen spoke at a webinar about her recent book chapter, entitled: “Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law: International Law and Institutions as Sources of Resilience.” Carole’s presentation was part of a webinar to launch the edited collection, China’s National Security: Endangering Hong Kong’s Rule of Law? (Chan and De Londres, eds. Hart Publishing 2020).
- Carole Petersen’s “Separation of Powers in Hong Kong” was interviewed in Part 2 of a radio program. (from 9:03-9:35 a.m.).
August 2020:
- Carole Petersen was interviewed by the Observer Research Foundation, based in New Delhi, India, for a program entitled: “Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Why is it Worrying?”
- A Bottom Up Approach to Protecting Academic Freedom in Hong Kong in the Shadow of the National Security Law
July 2020
- China’s National Security Law [PDF, 10MB] and Hong Kong’s Way of Life []
- Professor Carole Petersen testifies before the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee on the impact of China’s new national security law on ‘One Country Two Systems’ in Hong Kong [] Download Carole Petersen’s Testimony [PDF, 150KB]
- Download How Hong Kong’s national security law compares to Macau’s SCMP [PDF, 821KB]
- View National security law: five differences between Hong Kong’s new legislation and 2003’s shelved Article 23 bill [] Download National Security Law [PDF, 10MB]
May 2020: Beijing’s Decision to Apply a National Security Law to Hong Kong []