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For more information about this program, contact Charles D. Booth at (808) 956-5355 or by email.
Business Law Clustered Curriculum
The William S. Richardson School of Law’s clustered approach to the study of business law enhances our students’ ability to navigate the curriculum during their second and third years. The Law School’s program of study in the business core capitalizes on Hawai‘i’s central position linking Asia and the Pacific.
Leading scholars and practitioners with highly specialized knowledge in and across the clustered business law curriculum offer students both theoretical challenges and concrete foundations to enable their success in a new millennium economy driven by global business and internet-related technology and innovations.
Business Law Core
Business Law core courses build upon doctrine and policy presented in the first-year contracts course. In addition, the Business Law core represents the foundation for a business law or enterprise management career path. These courses are: Business Associations, Secured Transactions, Intellectual Property Law, and Second Year Seminar. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in these courses early in their law school careers because early planning can ensure maximum advantage of the advanced courses offered in the clusters.
Business Law Clusters
The business law curriculum is supported by four clusters that are responsive to the needs of Hawai‘i’s next generation of business lawyers. These clusters prepare students for the practice of law in the following spheres:
- Corporate
- Cross-border and comparative commercial law
- Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Small firm practice
Full-time JD students may apply to the JD/MBA program [shidler.hawaii.edu] offered by the Shidler College of Business and the William S. Richardson School of Law. Graduates of the program will have the tools necessary to address the various legal and business issues that they will face in their roles within legal practice, consulting, public policy, entrepreneurship, venture capital, and many other careers.
This non-credit course offered via Zoom introduces Law School students to basic financial and business concepts. The idea is to lay the groundwork for the students’ Law School commercial and business courses and to help build financial literacy. The Business Boot Camp, now in its second iteration, is an initiative promoted by Dean Camille Nelson. Professor Charles D. Booth has led the organization of the course and will serve as the moderator for sessions, except where otherwise noted.